resources and publications

Welcome to my archive of published works, podcast appearances and downloadable resources from my work as a freelancer. 

Mentally Yours

As a guest speaker on the Metro podcast Mentally Yours, I spoke about my experiences of mental illness and managing anxiety as a self-employed worker. 

Give it a listen:


Women Who Create

Speaking to some of the biggest digital creatives of the East Midlands, I was invited to discuss freelancing in Nottingham, working from home and the challenges faces freelancers and creativity in the city. 

Give it a listen: 

The Lonely Freelancer

Wanting to share my voice and my views, I created The Lonely Freelancer podcast as a platform to discuss issues of mental health, creativity, marketing and freelancing. 

Give it a listen: 



what i rent

“When you compare rents in London to other spots in the UK, us Londoners look pretty silly. We’re paying £700 for a box room in a shared flat while people up north are getting entire three-bedroom homes for the same price.

It’s painful to look at the comparisons, but we have to do it. That’s the only way we can make sense of renting in the UK.”


The aftermath of anxiety

“It’s the day after a big panic attack, and my head feels like lead. I’m on the comedown, still trying to re-attach myself to reality and find a fraction of normality in my uncomfortably dissociative state.

I don’t feel like ‘me’ yet. I’m tired, achy, and drained. My body has been left tense and shaky, exhausted from the intense mental battle my mind has just taken me through. My muscles ache, my heart pounds, and my jaw is clenched, even though the panic is long gone.”



“The end of university is a strange and conflicting time. With deadlines done and exams taken, ideally the only feelings we should be experiencing are joy, relief and giddy excitement at the prospect of new beginnings and fresh starts. No more all-nighters in the library, no more terrible campus coffee, and no more anxious waits for delayed student loan deposits…”

Nottingham Post

How this woman overcame crippling anxiety to start her own business

“A young woman who has overcome crippling anxiety to start her own digital marketing business at the age of just 23 is hoping to help other freelancers look after their mental health. Nikki had often talked about going it alone as a freelancer to colleagues, but she remembers one manager telling her: “You’ll never be any good as a freelancer if you suffer from anxiety.”

Notts Aspect

life as a freelancer in nottingham

“As a city, Nottingham is a growing hub of co-working spaces and networking cafes, from Sneinton Market and the Creative Quarter to Cobden Chambers in the city centre. Every coffee shop you visit will have an unlimited supply of wifi and charger ports, and every barista will be happy to chat through your latest concept store idea.”

Downloadable Templates

Starting out as a freelance marketer can be a daunting experience, so I’ve created these downloadable templates of some of the most important document a freelancer will need. 

marketing report

Duplicate this template and download to use for your own projects:


Duplicate this template and download to use for your own projects:

brand guidelines

Duplicate this template and download to use for your own projects:

To find out more about my case studies and services, get in touch with me today!